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Maintain a 9:1 subreddit interaction to self-promotion ratio. Posts about LookingGlass Studios /Eidos Montreal or the subreddit. Videos, commentary, or discussions about the games or the Thief universe. This is the City, otherwise known as the Thief subreddit, a place to discuss anything and everything about the Thief series. If you do see a notable discrepancy between the calculation and simulation please let me know by going to the About page and sending me a detailed message.Thief is a series of stealth video games in which the player takes the role of Garrett, a master thief in a fantasy/steampunk world resembling a cross between the Late Middle Ages and the Victorian era, with more advanced technologies interspersed. If your setup results in this I highly recommend using simulation as an extra validation. From experience, most of the calculation errors I've encountered (and since fixed) come from setups that leave the affix pool disproportionately skewed towards one mod in particular. When working with high-probability calculations (= 1 000 000) at the bottom before spending in-game currency. I make it available to the community so everyone can enjoy the same advantages.
I made this tool to be able to find more efficient and cheap ways of crafting while getting a better understanding of the whole system. Many features are still in an experimental stage and might require fine-tuning. This tool is a work in progress and as such do not take every result you see as a fullproof pin-point accurate number. New features are added regularly, please check out the Changelog page to see what is new and what is in the works at the bottom of the page.
Set the iLVL of your item to optimize your results by blocking certain mods. Search the whole modpool to find desired mods. See the total converted costs in chaos of your crafting setup in relation to your league (You can set your own custom prices if need be). Simulate crafting results with the mass simulation function and see statistical distribution of mods as well as an item showcase of the most likely results. Find out the outcome of a slam (exalt, conqueror orb, regal) by building your item and blocking mods. Compute an estimate of the odds to hit a certain mod combination on an item given a crafting method (Fossil and essence crafting included). There is no need for any installaton or downloads, everything is right here on the browser. Craft of Exile is an online tool with the goal of making it easier for players to find out the best and most cost effective ways to achieve their crafting goals in Path of Exile.