Not only would the AI's turns take ages, but on my own turn it'd take me a long time to catch up, figure out what the AI did and play accordingly. There always came a point where the AI player would do tons of things each turn. I loved this game! Having said that, the main change I'd make to this and other similar games is to have an option to limit and adjust the number of actions the AI player can perform on each turn. Pretty formulaic at this point, but I enjoy it about as much, perhaps maybe even more, than Beyond Earth. I usually go after Yang, then the Believers. Fusion power and orbital spaceflight follow soon after, and that's the game. That said, anyone playing as University would always make the Hunter-Seeker Algorithm a top priority. I frequently play as Zakharov, and I like his quotes, but they're always rambling and difficult to recall in the moment. Have you drunk your fill?' some 20x per game really cements that phrase into my head. I'm not a religious man, but I do identify with the visceral rejection of humanity's collective hubris.Īnd of course, hearing 'Eternity lies ahead, and behind. But they always discover in the end that God was quite a bit more clever than they thought." "Men, in their arrogance claim to understand the nature of creation, and devise elaborate theories to describe its behavior. What are herds and shepherds and corpses to him!" (this quote is is often shortened, but this adaptation is the most meaningful to me) Fellow creators, Zarathustra seeks, fellow harvesters and celebrants. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters for everything about him is ripe for the harvest.
Fellow creators the creator seeks- those who inscribe new values on new tablets. "Companions, the creator seeks, and not corpses, nor herds or believers. That said, there is a sort of poetic beauty through the concept of a deity as a storytelling mechanism, or a way to put a complex philosophy into a memorable narrative. I am absolutely not a religious man, nor would I consider myself to be even remotely spiritual or superstitious.
Some of the most meaningful to me were the ones coming from a place of spiritual philosophy. I can recite a few of these from memory, because you just hear them so often.