Lastly, Homer simply punches the bad guys with his fists, but can endure a lot of damage before dying. Lisa swings her jumprope around like a whip, and is the most difficult character to play because of her low health level and limited attacks. The second-most fun character to play is Marge, who wields a mighty Hoover vacuum cleaner as her weapon. When he dies, a devilishly red Bart (complete with pitchfork) hovers over the corpse, and (if you have any remaining lives) the new Bart zooms in in his Bartman costume. Bart is the most fun of the bunch: he scoots around on his skateboard, which he can use to whack people with the skateboard, or jump over them. You can choose to play as any of the remaining Simpsons, each with his or her own characteristics that fans will instantly recognize. Your mission is to rescue the youngest Simpson from the clutches of the evil sycophant. Smithers has kidnapped Maggie right in front of her family. In this episode, the Simpson's troubles begins when Mr. A great conversion of the arcade game of the same name, based on one of the world's most popular cartoon series of all time, Konami's The Simpsons features great graphics (for its time, of course), fluid animation, and best of all- faithful characters' personalities and gameworld that truly brings the Simpsons' Springfield to life.