The Save As also does not have the minimize or maximize icons in the top right. However, in X this does not work and even though the same icon is shown, I can not get the screen size of the Save As window to change. In the bottom right corner of the Save As window, there is the little diamond icon with a few dots on it that in other programs would allow you to grab the corner and re-size the window. However, now in X, the Save As window is auto-set to be maximized to my entire screen so I can not see anything behind the window (sometimes I like to use information that is in a secondary window to know what I want to name the PDF). Currently, when I go into File - Save As, I new pop-up Save As window comes up as typical with any program that allows you to enter in the desired file name and location to save the file. In Adobe Acrobat X Pro I noticed that unlike v9, I am not able to re-size the Save As window when saving a PDF. You can use the following template to assist you in taking the screenshot and converting it to PDF using Python: import pyautogui from PIL import Image myscreenshot pyautogui.screenshot () screenshotpath r'path to save screenshot\file name.png' myscreenshot.save (screenshotpath. How do you resize the Save As window within Adobe Acrobat X Pro Step 2: Take the screenshot and then convert it to PDF.

OcrDocument.Save(outputPath, DocumentFormat.Pdf, null) Recognize it and save it as a PDF file OcrEngine.Startup(codecs, null, null, null Using (IOcrEngine ocrEngine = OcrEngineManager.CreateEngine(OcrEngineType.LEAD, false)) Using (RasterImage image = RasterImageConverter.ConvertFromImage(screenshot, ConvertFromImageOptions.None)) LEADTOOLS OCR code to save the image from the clipboard as a searchable PDF string outputPath = screenshot = GetClipboardImage() NET code to get the image from the clipboard public Image GetClipboardImage() Granted, there are a few tricks you can use For example, you can press the Print Screen key and the Windows key which will save a screenshot directly to your Pictures folder. Taking a screenshot on Windows 10 can be a bit frustrating. You can now convert the new RasterImage to a searchable PDF using the LEADTOOLS OCR SDK. The 7 Best Free Windows 10 Screenshot Tools. Once you have the image from your clipboard, use LEADTOOLS to convert the image to a RasterImage using the ConvertFromImage Method. NET’s Clipboard Class, developers can easily use the GetImage Method to retrieve an image stored in your clipboard. This text can be indexed so you can find the information later using Windows built-in search. With this code, you can save the image as well as the text in the image. While Windows provides a snipping tool, it can only capture and save images.

Taking a screenshot is a quick and easy way to capture and share information.